A recipient of the Overseas Service and National Defense Medals, former Navy commissioned officer Dr. Steven Raheb teaches biology and human science at Quinebaug Valley Community College. Outside of his academic work, Dr. Steven Raheb participates in several charitable fundraising events, including Empty Bowls feeding campaigns.
First organized in 1990 by art teachers in Michigan, the Empty Bowls campaign aims to raise awareness of hunger and food insecurity through art. During Empty Bowls events, artists are invited to donate handmade ceramic bowls that are used to serve meals at fundraising events.
In exchange for a minimum donation, invitees can keep the bowls as a reminder of the billions of people around the world who do not get enough to eat. All proceeds from Empty Bowls events go towards organizations combating hunger. Since its inaugural run, Empty Bowls has transformed into a worldwide event, often celebrated in tandem with the United Nations’ World Food Day, observed on October 16th.