A former military service member, Steven Raheb, MD practiced at Day Kimball Hospital in Putnam, Connecticut. After his work in obstetrics with Day Kimball Hospital, Dr. Steven Raheb began teaching in biology and health sciences at Quinebaug Valley Community College (QVCC) in Danielson, Connecticut.
QVCC received a grant during the spring semester designated to help students going into healthcare-related fields fund their summer program. The announcement came from the fundraising arm of QVCC, the QVCC Foundation. The amount of funding was $25,000 in the form of a block grant.
The funding is to go toward students who are enrolled, incoming, and existing in the program. The funding will pay for particular courses, so students who take them do so free of charge. The free courses being offered are Introduction to Phlebotomy (HLT 141), Medical Terminology (MED 125), and Law and Ethics (HLT 170).
The donation was made by Steve and Marge Townsend, LIR Members, and the Buttner Family. According to Brian Clinton, a professor and medical assisting program director, the funding will assist students in their education. Through the grant, students at the beginning of their course load can take the medical terminology and phlebotomy courses, while those at the end of their coursework can take the law and ethics course.